President’s Ramble – April 2018

I would like to start this Ramble by acknowledging Auto Distributors New Zealand (The Peugeot Distributor) for allowing us access to their press cars to drive and review. Arek Zywot recently allowed me the privilege of driving a 5008GT for a slightly extended weekend period. I had never driven a car with so many electronic controls before, the newest cars I have regularly driven in recent years coming from the beginning of this decade, let alone my regular daily drive in the form of my 1988 505. My what a change, the dash board nearly unrecognisable to me. H 13owever you will have to wait for the review next month, this issue not having the space for it with the recent events we have held and reports associated with them, though maybe the editor may place a sneak preview photograph?

Another acknowledgement must be made to Richard Pretious of Armstrong Motor Group who has offered our members a 20% off parts and labour in their workshop at their dealership in Greenlane. Don and I had a very productive meeting with Richard, you can expect to hear more in the future.

Now here is a warning, especially to those that are regular attendees and travel afar to help give us a quorum. The AGM will not be held in July this year, which is our usual custom, but in August which is also allowed within our constitution, this is largely due to the fact that our Auditor has some other commitments this year and could not guarantee the time to audit our accounts, it would also put unfair pressure on our treasurer to produce them almost immediately after the June 30 year end, therefore to ensure all is achieved and correct a delay is necessary. The exact date is yet to be determined, as is the time. It is likely to be a few days either side of August 18, including the possibility of being held on a weekday or weekend night. If you haven’t had an email about this prior to reading this Ramble, expect one soon.

I had the opportunity to drop into Muzzas Pies in Mt Albert recently, this pie shop is always a hit and miss affair, often having the greatest variety of flavours, but you can never be sure if the pastry has been in the pie warmer too long. It is my experience even if it has the flavours of the filling it makes the risk worth it. This time I had the overcooked pastry again, but the filling, well it was divine, beautifully cooked lean steak, just fell apart, with a plum sauce and blue cheese. The sauce complemented and enhanced the steak flavours and the cheese was delicate in flavour, just with the right amount of sting without overpowering the fruitiness of the plum. If you knew the pastry was going to be good it would be a winner every time, however when it is not, well it is good enough.

I have again been working in the Bay of Plenty, and will be returning again for the two weeks post Easter, this has given me the opportunity to legally drive at 110 on the Expressway there, one of two roads in NZ where this is allowed. I can say it was very smooth and on this road it seems logical, though I noticed at 110 there were a couple whom still wanted (and succeeded) to pass me.

Well that is it, I hope to see you at the club afternoon (not a club night) that I believe is to be hosted by the Lowes in May, please turn up to this and make it a success.


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President’s Ramble – May 2018

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President’s Ramble – March 2018