President’s Ramble – February 2021

Welcome back to another year of uncertainty. Recent Covid break outs leaving us all wondering will we be going into another Lockdown, will it be regional, will it be nationwide, what level will it be at?

This makes events – whether related to this car club or just a relatively simple birthday party with a slightly extended family, difficult to plan – always that element of uncertainty hanging over you.

But in the meantime I can only be grateful for living in this country where life goes on with an element of normality, maybe even extranormality. The crowded scenes of Auckland at midnight with people (not cars) all over the road in central Auckland looked like the biggest, tightest crowd I have ever seen.  More packed than the crowds at the Santa Parade, Americas Cup and Rugby World Cup Victory Parades.  What did the rest of the world think?

Over Summer, my family went away for a brief break at Whananaki, famous for a couple of reasons but mostly a relatively quiet holiday destination; doesn’t get the numbers like some others.

There I enjoyed walking a lot, and walked the footbridge, the township’s main claim to fame It is 395m long and the longest footbridge in the Southern Hemisphere.  It was initially built to enable children living in Whananaki South to attend the school on the northern side without the teacher having to row them across twice a day, which was part of their duties!  The alternative is some 6km of roading. Perhaps you too may want to explore the estuary, the bridge and the local beaches, it is a truly beautiful part of the world.  You might even get a glimpse of Winston Peters who comes from that part of the world and was one of the children crossing the bridge for school many decades ago.

In the meantime, the events that are organised and hopefully not going to be shut down by the pandemic are the Gymkhana with Citroen in Papakura on the 21st of this month.  To be run a little differently this year, starting at 11am with a break in the middle for a picnic lunch. Come and socialise whilst we can!

And then in March Don Howarth is organising club members to display at the Brit – Euro car show – a free community event to be held on the 7th of March this year at Lloyd Elsmore Park in Pakuranga. Contact Don Howarth if you want to display – ph 021 0266 1953 or


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President’s Ramble – April 2021

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President’s Ramble – March 2021